LeveChad Houston


Sponsorship Opportunities

Total Amount

Sponsor a month of chesed
Sponsor a week of chesed
Sponsor a day of chesed
Sponsor Meals for a week
Sponsor a Meal
Sponsor Cleaning Help for a week
General Donation
Recurring monthly donation


Convenience Fee $2.93

The convenience fee helps us offset processing costs of your payment.
501c3 status in process.

How Much Can You Provide For Support?

The BJC – Bellaire Jewish Center has become a powerful force for reawakening the spark of Judaism in the lives of hundreds of individuals. Help us to achieve our dream of encouraging Jews of all backgrounds to learn more about the beauty, joy and meaning of Judaism and apply it to their daily lives.  Our classes, lunch n learns, one on one Torah study, after school program, challah clubs, Israel trips, Creative Kitchen, Video blogs, Whiskey & Wisdom which touch the lives of so many, are only possible thanks to the charitable contributions from supporters like you.

We have been able to provide assistance where needed through the private support of our community members. As our organization expands, the requests for assistance increase and we are in need of both personal as well as financial assistance. Although we do not provide direct funds to people, sometimes we use cash donations to purchase meals, toys or other items to help others. Your support will enable us to continue to provide these truly valuable resources throughout the year.

Please help us to grow and continue to service the Houston Jewish community and the many people that pass through needing assistance.

With your support we can be there for anyone who needs a hand, whether short or long term.  May we forever and always be on the giving side.

Lev Echad Team

BJC – Bellaire Jewish Center
12 Bellaire Triangle Arc
Bellaire, Texas 77401​



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Sponsor a month of chesed
Sponsor a week of chesed
Sponsor a day of chesed
Sponsor Meals for a week
Sponsor a Meal
Sponsor Cleaning Help for a week
General Donation
Recurring monthly donation


Convenience Fee $2.93

The convenience fee helps us offset processing costs of your payment.
501c3 status in process.

Sponsor a month of chesed
Sponsor a week of chesed
Sponsor a day of chesed
Sponsor Meals for a week
Sponsor a Meal
Sponsor Cleaning Help for a week
General Donation
Recurring monthly donation


Convenience Fee $2.93

The convenience fee helps us offset processing costs of your payment.
501c3 status in process.

Sponsor a month of chesed
Sponsor a week of chesed
Sponsor a day of chesed
Sponsor Meals for a week
Sponsor a Meal
Sponsor Cleaning Help for a week
General Donation
Recurring monthly donation


Convenience Fee $2.93

The convenience fee helps us offset processing costs of your payment.
501c3 status in process.

Sponsor a month of chesed
Sponsor a week of chesed
Sponsor a day of chesed
Sponsor Meals for a week
Sponsor a Meal
Sponsor Cleaning Help for a week
General Donation
Recurring monthly donation


Convenience Fee $2.93

The convenience fee helps us offset processing costs of your payment.
501c3 status in process.

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